Centrality of the Scripture
We believe that the Bible is the complete and flawless Word of God. Therefore, it should be the center of our worship, the subject of our studies, and the focus of the sermon each and every week.
Our worship is directed to God and consistent with Scripture. Our Sunday School lessons and studies are centered on the Word of God and our pastor preaches expositionally (Verse by verse) through the Word of God.
It is our prayer that everything we do as a church is guided by and consistent with the Word of God.
Loving Community
We are a small congregation made of imperfect people from diverse backgrounds and various different age groups. However, we are united together in our love for Jesus above all else. He is the center of all that we do and, as His children, we are committed to loving each other as He loves us.
We have a passion to reach all generations for Christ and are praying diligently that God will burden the hearts of younger families to join with us in reaching our community and world for Jesus.
People of Prayer
We truly believe that Jesus is the vine and we are merely branches. Apart from Him we are absolutely helpless (John 15). We are dependent on Him for everything. We desperately need Him to guide us and sustain us in all we do as individuals and as a church. Therefore, we are committed to being a people of prayer.
As we pray diligently for our families, church, community, nation and world we would be honored to have the privilege of praying for you and your family. Please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can pray for you.